kid skateboarding
Volume 1
Produced By:
  1. Ride Nature
  1. Mark Koch
Senior editor
  1. Grace Thuen
Creative director:
  1. Justin Coats
volume 1 Contributors:
  1. Grace Thuen
  2. Chris Smith
  3. Mark Koch
  4. Jesus Martinez
  5. Ingmar Thomas
  6. Sabrina Bockstanz
  7. Josh Nerez
  8. Jamie Thomas
  9. Justin Hannekin
  10. Kelly Capolino
  11. Hans Wagner
  1. Lauren Barrow
    RJ Bruni
    Chris Smith
    Dawson Friesen
    Diego Vallejo
Web design/development:
  1. Davey Wright
Worth The Pursuit
A letter from the editor

I’ve always felt the tug–the one that pulls you deeper into the adventure. I started  noticing it when I was young and have been in tune with it ever since. By the age  of seven I was leaping off cliffs into freezing Maine lakes and climbing back up to  do it again. I would stand on my tip-toes to reach the required height to ride the  fastest roller coasters. I remember dangling my legs off the edge of Preikestolen,  one of the tallest cliff faces in Norway. To put it simply, Indiana Jones was my  role model. With the temptation of adventure egging me on, I pursued instant gratification. But in the same way it comes, it also goes–in an instant. 

There was still another pull that I’ve always been inclined to. This one is softer in  many ways yet edgier in others. This pull sprouts from my soul and acts in rich, bold compassion. It is this draw that pushes me into the most sincere form of  adventure–the highest form I’m expectant of encountering in this mortal life. It is  life-changing and eternally impactful. This feat summons to be ventured daily; it  brings more than a passing experience and never fails to become a good story.  It defies odds and lives out the impossible. It has uprooted me, taking me solo  traveling across the globe, and planted me in some of the most remote places. This journey is my pursuit of Christ.

In chasing Him, I have found that not even the sky itself is a limit. Through this  pursuit I have discovered a new stir in my heart–one that leads me to the page  with a pen. It is the draw of journalism and storytelling. It has led me to all kinds  of places and introduced me to a world I wouldn’t know without it. There is  purpose in the pursuit of Christ for everyone; mine is to take note, to highlight  the invitation of thrill-seeking adventure, and to feature those who knock on its  door. Satisfaction will never be found until we shift our focus from the wonder of  creation to the Creator Himself. He indeed will be found in our pursuit.

united as The Pursuit Collective,
Senior Editor
Volume 1 Articles
To the ends
havana, Cuba
Wermelskirchen, Germany
tamarindo, Costa Rica
davao city, The Philippines
medellin, Colombia
mumbai, India
fes, Morocco
huacho, peru
san juan del sur, Nicaragua
fort myers, florida, USA